About Me

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Lesley Custodio is a Licensed Acupuncturist in San Diego, CA. Feel Well Acupuncture is where the healing happens for her clients and she loves sharing health tips, recipes, and simple inspiration to help them live happy and healthy!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sama-Sama Community Acupuncture @ MOSAIC Yoga

The end of 2010 brought Feel Well Acupuncture into a great partnership with MOSAIC Yoga in Golden Hill.  We're pleased to be offering Sama-Sama Community Acupuncture sessions:  low-cost (and affordable!) community acupuncture combined with an element of yoga - exclusively at MOSAIC Yoga.

Sama-Sama Community Acupuncture is a shared acupuncture experience combining the simplicity and effectiveness of the NADA Protocol, a specific acupuncture protocol, and the relaxation of yoga's final resting pose, Savasana.  Treatments run about 30-45minutes.  These sessions are open to all and no prior yoga experience is required.  Grab your yoga mat, come as you are or bring a friend or two!  Cost is only $20 at the door.

Our current schedule for January 2011:  Mondays 6:30pm-7:30pm, Wednesdays 12noon-1:00pm, and Fridays 7:00pm-8:00pm.  

For more information, please contact us at lesley@feelwellacupuncture.com or 775.220.2008.  MOSAIC Yoga is located at 830 25th St. Suite 203, San Diego, CA 92102. 

Information can also be found on our website www.feelwellacupuncture.com/sama-sama.html

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