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Lesley Custodio is a Licensed Acupuncturist in San Diego, CA. Feel Well Acupuncture is where the healing happens for her clients and she loves sharing health tips, recipes, and simple inspiration to help them live happy and healthy!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What We Eat is Our Own Natural Chemotherapy Against Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases

Great talk by William Li from the Angiogenesis Foundation!

Mr. Li's talk centers on angiogenesis, or blood vessel growth, which is a natural and essential process for the body's development, repair, and regeneration. However, in the case of cancer, tumors release chemical signals that trigger the formation of new blood vessels solely for the purpose of feeding the tumor's abnormal growth, which, if unchecked, ultimately leads to enlargement and eventual invasion of surrounding tissues (metastasis).

Mr. Li speaks of targeting the process of angiogenesis as a tool for cancer treatment and even prevention. Although he does mention the various drugs that are available to do just that, it's important to note that Mr. Li brings attention to the fact that properties to regulate angiogenesis are naturally found in the very foods we eat or drink: green tea, berries, tomatoes, mushrooms, soy, bok choy, garlic, kale, apples, and even the Chinese herb, ginseng (Ren Shen). This drives home the idea that eating complete and whole foods are essential for your overall health, for prevention and even support during disease. As he describes in his speech, Mother Nature gave us the tools we need; thus, food is our natural chemotherapy against cancer and other chronic diseases.

Imagine all of the tasty and delicious possibilities of incorporating such foods into your meals. Your mouth will be in for a treat while you fuel the health of your body. Simply be mindful of what you eat and you'll be on your way to optimal health.


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