Oriental Medicine is an ancient form of medicine that is highly effective in treating a wide range of disorders from pain to internal medicine to stress and anxiety. It has many facets and styles that have developed over it's 2000 year history. Acupuncture itself is just one component and treatment method of Oriental Medicine. In addition to acupuncture, practitioners can utilize herbal medicine, tui na massage, qi gong and tai chi, and dietary medicine. Together these components are considered the Five Branches of Oriental Medicine and used to help an individual achieve internal well-being.
Other treatment methods that can be used are moxibustion, gua sha, and cupping. Moxibustion involves the burning of the herb mugwort to provide warmth and promote healing. Gua sha and cupping involve the use of specialized tools and techniques to promote circulation. Oriental Medicine encompasses these treatment methods as well as the various styles that have evolved over thousands of years. Among these are Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Japanese Acupuncture, Korean Acupuncture, and Five Element.
In my practice, I particularly practice Japanese Acupuncture in addition to TCM. Japanese Acupuncture utilizes abdominal palpation as an additional diagnostic tool and often involves a treatment of the root cause of an individual's condition as well as addressing any outward symptoms. It is a gentler form of acupuncture: needles are lightly inserted or delicately held in contact with the skin without insertion. This form of acupuncture may appeal to those who are sensitive or may even be wary of needles. In my practice, I find that I have incorporated the gentle technique of Japanese Acupuncture into my TCM treatments. Because of this, I am able to provide patients with a unique acupuncture experience that is gentle yet effective.
Each form of acupuncture is special in its own way but they have a common ground. Japanese Acupuncture, as with all forms of acupuncture, all evolved and developed from the same theories that came from China: yin and yang, the five elements, Qi and blood, and the channels of the body. These are the foundations of Oriental Medicine. This foundation, the many treatment methods, and styles of acupuncture are what gives this medicine the amazing ability to address many conditions and achieve results. As a practitioner of this ancient medicine, I am honored and grateful to have this ability to provide individuals with a way to achieve inner health and well-being, to be pain-free, and to simply feel well.
Yours in health,
Anything and everything on acupuncture, herbal medicine, health, wellness, eating well, Oriental medicine, and integrative medicine!
About Me
- Lesley Custodio, L.Ac. - Feel Well Acupuncture
- Lesley Custodio is a Licensed Acupuncturist in San Diego, CA. Feel Well Acupuncture is where the healing happens for her clients and she loves sharing health tips, recipes, and simple inspiration to help them live happy and healthy!
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