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Lesley Custodio is a Licensed Acupuncturist in San Diego, CA. Feel Well Acupuncture is where the healing happens for her clients and she loves sharing health tips, recipes, and simple inspiration to help them live happy and healthy!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Acupuncture's Current State in the U.S.

Acupuncture: Evolving American Medicine.
(Arthur Rosenfeld - Basil & Spice)

Great blog about the current state of acupuncture in the United States! The author gives you pretty much a taste of everything. He briefly explains the theory and history behind this ancient medicine as well as touching on the many modern scientific theories that are hoping to explain how acupuncture works.

Just as the author describes, how acupuncture is viewed in this modern world and particularly in the United States, is evolving. The effectiveness of this medicine is evident in the many conditions that it can address and the many people who have achieved results. Thus, acupuncture is emerging as a sought after modality. Insurance companies are adding acupuncture to their coverage. Acupuncture (as an alternative and complementary medicine) is also mentioned in the new Health Care Reform bill.

If you've ever considered trying acupuncture, there are many valid questions that are answered in this blog as well: Does it hurt? Should I try it? Is it worth the cost? Is it effective?. Simply put...no, it doesn't hurt. And yes, you should try it, it works, and it's worth every penny.

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